Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Department Meeting, November 12, 2014

1.  Nassau School Library System Liaison meeting--P. Trapani

NSLS Liason Meeting: Wednesday, October 29, 2014
"Strengthening The School Library To Reach More Students”
·         What is NSLS?  What is the purpose of NSLS?
·         Inter Library Loan to strengthen our collections/access hard to find articles, etc.
·         NSLS on Twitter @Nassau_sls
·         NBSLS LibGuide link
·         NYS Social Studies Framework link
 Reaching out - list of featured library sites showcased (lots of people using weebly, smore, google sites, symbaloo)
·         Digital Book Mobile presentation
·         Code.org - a nonprofit organization committed to increasing access to computer science for students in the K-12 settings.
·         "findit" FAQ
·         New York Online Virtual Electronic Library NOVELny (will continue through 2017; opposing viewpoints through 2016)

2.  Budget preparation
3.  Post-test discussion
4.  Upping the ante on questioning
5.  Next meeting: with UPL, December 10, UHS Library
6.  Videoconference workshop
7.  Websites of Note:
SLMS blogs on Pinterest

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Department Meeting, October 9, 2014

1. Staff Development Day
Technology Leaders--Coaching and Mentoring (Apple)
Elementary Librarians who aren't technology leaders--assessment creation

2.  Videoconferences--9 per school

3.  Virtual Meeting Room--videoconference from any room with Internet access

4.  Got Reading/Got College--October 15, 2014

5.  Review of Student Learning Objectives
a. Complete population section--largest grade you see until you reach 51%
b. Complete roster template (separate one for each class; you can add sheets)
c. Save both with your name

6.  OASYS Reminders
a. Two highest will be used for part of 60 points
b. Keep track/collect and upload artifacts
c. Review the Danielson rubric prior to observations; educate yourself as to what you need to do to earn a 4

7. Instructional Plan and Expectations for Student Achievement

In the library, Common Core Standards will continue to be integrated into learning units. Research activities, the reading and interpretation of non-fiction texts, and communicating information will be an ongoing focus. Additionally, students will read for pleasure, building the foundation for lifelong appreciation and understanding of literature.

Librarians will develop activities and strategies for students to gain practice in reading for understanding and interpreting what they read. Non-fiction resources will be explored that support topics in a wide variety of curricular areas.

Students will practice communicating their understanding of the information read, interpreting and synthesizing information.

Students will have varied opportunities to engage in research process activities that provide them with the opportunity to read, write, interpret information, draw conclusions and present findings.

Students will participate in a variety of literary experiences to increase appreciation and understanding of literature.

8.  BEDS
How many computers are in your libraries?
How many computers with Internet access? (should be the same #)
How many electronic books are cataloged?
How many non-book materials are cataloged?

9.  Observations

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Department Meeting, September 10, 2014

1.  Databases

2.  Don't forget the book: http://www.mobiledia.com/news/201942.html

3.  Lesson Plan Template:

Learning Targets
Common Core Standards
Launch: Direct Instruction, Modeling, Guided Practice
Explore: Learning Tasks

4.  Common Core Standards--how did we do?
Goal for last year:
In the library, Common Core Standards will continue to be integrated into learning units. Research activities, the reading and interpretation of non-fiction texts, and communicating information will be an ongoing focus. Additionally, students will read for pleasure, building the foundation for lifelong appreciation and understanding of literature.

5.  Purchase orders

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Staff Development--August 28, 2014

1.  Welcome back!
2.  SLOs and assessment changes
3.  Online Databases 
4.   Google Sites

Home Page Sections:

Home: About the Library, contact info, etc.
Books and Reading (links to resources about reading, books, book reviews)
Research Tools
-Online Databases
-Research Project Assignments

Book Reviews
Student Work

Create a Site:
 More detailed assistance available through Atomic Learning http://www.atomiclearning.com

Common Core Strategies article:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Department Meeting, May 14, 2014

1.  End of Year
Artifacts due June 6
Post-test instructions
Roster template
Administration of assessment
Data for End of Year/Professional Data Form--due Friday, May 16

2.  End of Year Meeting

3.  iPad Training

4.  Online databases
The NBSLS Online Resources Price Sheet 2014-2015 is out and available at http://www.nassauboces.org/Page/279 for downloading.
The NBSLS Online Resources Catalog 2014-2015 is out (see attached) and available at http://www.nassauboces.org/Page/279 for downloading.
MackinVIA--free audiobooks at http://mackin.com/free
Check out free trials for pebblego.
5.  Netbook Replacement

6.  Celebration of Learning

From "Head for the Edge" Doug Johnson Library Media Connection March/April 2014 p. 98

"Show up. Speak up. Collaborate. Lead. Don't wait to be invited."

Websites of Note
Search Engine:

Critical role of librarians explored in article by Freeport school librarian: http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/columns-and-blogs/common-core/article/61831-cut-to-the-core-modesto-to-replace-librarians-with-teachers.html

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Department Meeting, April 23, 2014

1. Artifacts--collect and record your best efforts with your students
2. Celebration of Learning--contribute to presentation and/or create a tri-fold board representing student work or library programs from this year
3. Assessment distribution and discussion

Common Core and the Librarian

Media Specialists and the Common Core

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Department Meeting, March 12, 2014

1. Budget
2. Follett
3. iPads
4. Assessment
5. Atomic Learning webinar
6. Videoconferences
7. End of year evaluations

Websites of Note


Reader's Advisory

LISMA Website

Common Core Standards Links from LISMA

SLJ's Best of Apps and Enhanced Books

LISMA Google Reboot

PBS Teachers VITAL New York

Curriculum Connections from SLJ

WebCHECK to evaluate websites

Internet and Computer Safety
LISMA Monthly Lesson Plan Competetion
Share your best lessons
Win a $20 Barnes & Noble gift card 

For more information, click HERE for Flyer
Click HERE for Evaluation Rubic
Click HERE for Submission Form

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Department Meeting, February 12, 2014

1.  Elementary librarians--assessment creation

2.  Secondary librarians--iPads in the library

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Department Meeting, January 15, 2014

  1. Follett Destiny update
  2. Budget
  3. Videoconference Schedule
  4. Parent Technology Cafe
  5. iPads in the Library
  6. 2/3/14 Professional Development
  7. Instructional effectiveness, student engagment, role of librarian
  8. Achievement test for elementary library students

Websites, articles of note:

Ask Yourself: Are Your Students Engaged?

New Literacies and the Common Core
Educational Leadership:Technology-Rich Learning:New Literacies and the Common Core http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/mar13/vol70/num06/New-Literacies-and-the-Common-Core.aspx 

Apps and Autism

Everything I Know about Engagement I learned in Kindergarten