Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Department Meeting, December 17, 2008

It was great hosting the public librarians today. Their programming initiatives are impressive! I'm looking forward to attending the Global Village celebration on January 25 at 2:00 when there will be a performance by Smith Street students, the high school jazz band, and the ribbon cutting ceremony for the much anticipated new computer center. April is the library's film festival, and we'll be sure to invite our tv studio students to enter their efforts! March and April features a major poetry event which always is greeted with enthusiasm. The public librarians report that our students are active junior Friends of the Library members. Students of all ages take advantage of the varied programs. Book discussion groups and other activities thrive! A new service is and Live Librarian, both of which extend library service to users 24/7. Teaching our students the value of being active library users and actually learning about the role of a trustee is a potential collaborative project that will be explored with Nancy Froehlich and Trina Reed. We also discussed the success the summer reading partnership initiative enjoyed, and we look forward to even more participation this summer!

We showed Shelfari, an online site to share suggestions for new books to read.

The librarians were most interested in learning how we use interactive whiteboards in the district, so we had a bit of show and tell. Adele and Gail prepared movies and flipcharts to demonstrate some examples of content and techniques.

We navigated over to searchme, a visual search engine. It's even more versatile than I thought! Check out the homework helper stack. Black History Month is coming in January--check out this stack as well. Kind of reminds me of flowgram--but that robust site is for another day.