Thursday, February 28, 2008

Summer Reading

By popular demand, we once again will raffle new book baskets to elementary and middle school students who document their participation in the public library summer reading program. This year's theme is "Catch the Reading Bug" and "Metamorphosis". Visit for additional information.

Please share your ideas for titles and non-book items that we should include in these baskets. Let me know if you have any books left from last year so I can plan purchases.

Requisition Manager

Thanks to Jo-Ann Becker for her thorough presentation that taught us how to enter requisitions the 21st century way! From this point forward, librarians will enter their requisitions using the program. Let me know when one is pending, and I will review it for approval.

A few items to remember for long lists so you don't have to include every item in the description box:

1. For a long list of items such as a Follett book order, indicate in the description that the list will be submitted separately.

2. Indicate what the list will include--i.e. books, supplies, etc.

3. For those of you who order online, write "Open Purchase Order for titles to be submitted online". (This only holds true for book vendors who notoriously don't/can't fill an entire order, thereby allowing you to submit additional titles later).

4. After you complete the requisition and it is approved, there is a quick turn-around to convert it to a purchase order. The actual p.o. will be sent to your school's main office. All you need to do is check Requisition Manager, locate the purchase order number, and write it on each of the five copies of your list that you will be sending to the purchasing dept.

5. Whenever you are submitting a separate list of items to purchasing, make an additional copy for me and inter-office it.

If a vendor you would like to use is not on the list, you'll have to complete a special form. You can find it in Library M in a folder called Requisitions. Also in this folder is a set of instructions prepared by Barbara Spiritus.

Questions? Call me.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Library Department Meeting, Feb. 27, 2008

Thanks to Paula Trapani's inspiring blog (, I am experimenting with this one to see if a blog could be used as our vehicle to share department meeting agendas and minutes. Please excuse its sparse nature as it is definitely under construction!

At our library department meeting on February 27 in the high school library, we will stray from usual business to be trained in Requisition Manager. Using this program will enable librarians to manage and input their own purchase orders that then will be routed to me for approval. We will meet at 2:00. Time permitting, we will address procedures for dealing with lost books, plans for our summer reading program (an exciting development--stay tuned!) and the Poetry Cafe. If there are topics you would like us to cover, please either e-mail me or add a comment to this blog.

Of interest: Teen Tech Week is March 2-8. Visit for ideas and resources.

You might want to consider signing up for one of the new inservice courses scheduled to begin in March! Do You Google?, The World of Wikis and Other Web 2.0 Tools, and Interactive Whiteboards at Work soon will be listed on My Learning Plan. Take advantage of these opportunities to become expert techno-magicians! (Speaking of Web 2.0, check out WikiMatrix for an unbelievable array of choices and possibilities).

Our monthly a list of Websites of Note listing is included here for your convenience. As always, at our meeting I will distribute articles that are not available online. Look for one on digital storytelling (I know that many of you are putting into action what we learned on Staff Development Day!) and one on classrooom blogging.

I also wanted to point out to you that I've purchased several professional books that may be of interest to you. Highlighted book titles are below: