Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Department Meeting, March 18, 2009

1. Summer Reading update—Public Library Partnership and In-District Program

2. Poetry Contest and Film Festival at the Uniondale Public Library
Deadline—March 20

3. NovelNY Databases--Grolier and ProQuest added as of 4/1

Go to http://novelnewyork.org/pressroom.php for a listing of the changes.

4. Professional/National Geographic Books

5. Curriki http://www.curriki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SummerofContent
From the website: Do you have an instructional unit or course you’re proud of that you’d like to publish and get paid for? Interested in earning money this summer to develop a new unit that will be shared with a global audience? For our Summer of Content initiative, Curriki is soliciting elementary and middle school content in ELA, math, science, and social studies. Apply by April 15th, 2009.

6. Taking it Global--Participate in a community of global educators.
From the website: TIGed provides rich, interactive learning experiences designed to improve students' global citizenship, critical thinking, and leadership skills, bringing the world to students and preparing students for the world! You can access existing projects, create a safe, interactive, virtual classroom, access online learning activities and resources.

7. Websites of note:
The Unquiet Library Blog http://theunquietlibrary.wordpress.com/
The Unquiet Library Wiki http://theunquietlibrary.wikispaces.com/
Google Apps in the Classroom http://www.google.com/a/edu/
HotChalk http://www.hotchalk.com/
Joyce Valenza Workshop http://joycevalenzaworkshop.wikispaces.com/
Speaking avatar http://www.voki.com/

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Professional Books!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

AASL has new website

AASL has a new website. Check out the details at

and visit the site at http://www.aasl.org.