Technology Leaders--Coaching and Mentoring (Apple)
Elementary Librarians who aren't technology leaders--assessment creation
2. Videoconferences--9 per school
3. Virtual Meeting Room--videoconference from any room with Internet access
4. Got Reading/Got College--October 15, 2014
5. Review of Student Learning Objectives
a. Complete population section--largest grade you see until you reach 51%
b. Complete roster template (separate one for each class; you can add sheets)
c. Save both with your name
6. OASYS Reminders
a. Two highest will be used for part of 60 points
b. Keep track/collect and upload artifacts
c. Review the Danielson rubric prior to observations; educate yourself as to what you need to do to earn a 4
7. Instructional Plan and Expectations for Student Achievement
In the library, Common Core Standards will continue to be integrated into learning units. Research activities, the reading and interpretation of non-fiction texts, and communicating information will be an ongoing focus. Additionally, students will read for pleasure, building the foundation for lifelong appreciation and understanding of literature.
Librarians will develop activities and strategies for students to gain practice in reading for understanding and interpreting what they read. Non-fiction resources will be explored that support topics in a wide variety of curricular areas.
Students will practice communicating their understanding of the information read, interpreting and synthesizing information.
Students will have varied opportunities to engage in research process activities that provide them with the opportunity to read, write, interpret information, draw conclusions and present findings.
Students will participate in a variety of literary experiences to increase appreciation and understanding of literature.
How many computers are in your libraries?
How many computers with Internet access? (should be the same #)
How many electronic books are cataloged?
How many non-book materials are cataloged?
9. Observations
How many computers are in your libraries?
How many computers with Internet access? (should be the same #)
How many electronic books are cataloged?
How many non-book materials are cataloged?
9. Observations
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