Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Department Meeting, March 8, 2017

1. Assessment writing for 2017-18
    Pre- and post- assessments--writing and schedule
The pre have to be administered by 9/15 and the tests have to be given first to students in the largest grade and then students in other grades have to be added until 50% of population is reached. This means that students in more than one grade will be tested. Growth scores will be based on the percentage of students who achieve 5% growth from the pre- to the post-assessment.
2. Liaison meeting
3. Spring professional development
4. Summer inservice classes
5. Summer reading
6. Celebration of Learning
7. Online database requests
8. Purchase order hiatus 3/8-3/29; FM training
9. Videoconferences

Websites of Note:

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Department Meeting, February 8, 2017

1. Purchasing deadline
2. Bond referendum choices
3. Update on eChalk
4. Inservice
5. APPR update
6. Databases
7. Mid-year wrap-up and updates

Websites of Note:
Crafting Questions that Drive Projects--Learning in Hand
Identifying Fake News
iGeneration--21st Century Education