Monday, December 12, 2016

Department Meeting, December 14, 2016

1. Staff Development Day, January 30, 2017
2. Free winter pop-up library (K-8)
3. Budget
4. eChalk
5. APPR--no update
6. Meeting with public library, January 11, 2016
7. Makerspaces: interested in taking a dip? Try these resources:

Creating a School Library Makerspace: The Beginning of a Journey | Tech Tidbits
Elementary Library Makerspace Resources

Websites of Note:
23 Great Library Blogs
School Library Bloggers

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Department Meeting, October 19, 2016

1. Sharing library lessons/library websites
2. Learning Management Systems
3. Budget
4. Inquiry/research/incorporating databases
5. Websites of Note:
Resources for School Librarians--includes links to lesson plans
Have you tried Ted Talks? Here's a recommended one:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Department Meeting, September 28, 2016

1. eChalk/Gmail feedback and follow up
3. Online databases
4. APPR status/end-of-year assessment
5. Budget news
6. Destiny
7. November 8 staff development
8. Videoconferences
9. Multicultural literature

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Department Meeting, May 11, 2016

1. End of Year Information

A timeline and instructions related to teacher responsibilities in completing forms in My Learning Plan's OASYS are available in the Y drive for you.  There you will find the following documents:

OASYS timeline 2016
OASYS instructions for teachers 2016
Teacher Responsibilities 2016
Data Cover Sheets for elementary, secondary, and elementary special area teachers

Submit artifacts (complete form) by due date, showing best efforts with your students

Administer assessments (elementary) end of May, early June

2. Celebration of Learning--contribute to presentation and/or create a tri-fold board representing student work or library programs from this year

3. Volunteer for writing LITE Bytes articles

4. Makerbot 3D printing discussion

Educators can empower their students to design, collaborate, and create amazing things never thought possible with MakerBot in the Classroom: An Introduction to 3D Printing and Design. Packed with resources, this free ebook provides the basics of 3D printing and design, as well as ideas, projects, and activities for integrating 3D printers into the curriculum. To get started with 3D printing in the classroom, simply fill out the short online form and download the complete book.
Looking for more amazing resources? Check out the K–12 Technology newsletter.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Department Meeting, April 20, 2016

Webmasters will be attending a webinar during our regularly scheduled department meeting. These are the issues that require attention:

1. Summer reading
Summer reading will be the same except for the middle school where students are going to be given a book by their English teacher (6th grade going into 7th and 7th grade going into 8th; 5th graders will receive books as well). Middle school students will be completing an assignment in their English classes during the week of September 19.

2. LITE Bytes
Could you please look at LITE Bytes ( and let me know if you think there are any articles that should be deleted? Are there any that are okay but need tweaking/updating? Could you think of something special that happened in your library this year that you would write an article about that we could post? I don't want the information to be stale and I know you all do great things that bear mentioning.

3. Celebration of Learning
I encourage you to create a board for submission to highlight some aspect of your program or that features student work. Let's promote the work you do with your students!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Department Meeting, March 30, 2016

1. End-of-year assessments, forms
2. Videoconferences
3. Budget
4. Celebration of Learning

Websites of Note:
The Digital Public Library of America has launched with a goal to connect people to books!
Lib Guides
Children's Book Week
Women's History Month Resources
He Said What? Making Sense of the Presidential Campaign [SLJ]

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Department Meeting, February 10, 2016

1. Visit from Syntchia Kendrick-Samuel, Uniondale Public Library
2. Budget Update
3. eChalk, websites
4. Summer inservice classes
5. Elementary student assessments
6. Professional development requests, 2016-17

Websites of Note:
Teacher Librarian:
Book Verdict:
The Digital Shift:
The School Librarian as Learning Alchemist:
Maker Movement for Schools (Facebook Group):