Monday, November 16, 2015

Department Meeting, November 18, 2015

1. Reaching ELLs through resources and lessons
10 Ways to Support ELLs in the School Library
Libraries and English Language Learners
The Best Sites to Teach ELLs about School Libraries
2. Selecting library materials of varied reading levels to support curriculum and outside reading interests
Guidance for Developing Model Reading Lists
Online Reading Lists
3. Meeting with public library, December 9, 2015, TH
4. Budget update
5. eChalk
6. Resources from the Fall Library Institute:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Department Meeting, September 9, 2015

1. TEQ pd follow-up
2. Online databases
3. 2015-16 SLO/APPR
4. Achievement test feedback
5. Purchases/budget
6. Summer Reading
7. Websites, articles, links and blogs of note:
Mrs. Lodge's Library
School Library Monthly
Being a Better Online Reader
Can Student Go Deep With Online Reading?
Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database
School Librarians and the Common Core Livebinder

Monday, April 27, 2015

Department Meeting, April 29, 2015

1. End of Year Information
Assessments--distribution, administration, Scantron sheets for grades 4 and 5, scoring, roster template
Data for End of Year/Professional Data Form--due Friday, May 16
Artifacts--collect and record your best efforts with your students--due Wednesday, June 3

2. Celebration of Learning--contribute to presentation and/or create a tri-fold board representing student work or library programs from this year

3. Professional development

4. Tech Leaders

5. Summer Reading and LITE Bytes articles

Technology and the Library--scroll down to see chart
The importance of school libraries--
Libraries and Librarians in the Internet Age (from Technology for Teachers)--

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Department Meeting, February 11, 2015

1. Finalize assessment for elementary school libraries
2. Twitter for librarians; check out NSLS resources
3. Biblioboard demo
4. Purchase orders 2014-15
5. Purchases 2015-16

Websites/Articles of Note:
Student engagement article from Edutopia: "The 8 Minutes that Matter Most"
Provocative post about the privilege of book selection from Showmelibrarian blog
Storytime Underground
Little elit--blog about incorporating new media into libraries with focus on young children
Top School Library Blogs
Library as Incubator--library as place to connect and create
The Daring Librarian

Monday, January 12, 2015

Department Meeting, January 14, 2015

1.  Secondary librarians meet with English Department to make modifications to Summer Reading Program assignments.

2.  Elementary Librarians:
a.  Finalize plans for Staff Development Day, 2/2/15
b. End of Year Assessment--review and feedback
c. Summer reading

3.  Budget

4.  Check out science databases (refer to e-mail)

5.  Websites/articles of note:
Taking Notes:
Editors' Choice in LMC:
Top 100 Sites and Apps: