Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Department Meeting, September 11, 2013

1. Instructional Plan/Expectations for Student Achievement

In the library, Common Core Standards will continue to be integrated into learning units. Research activities, the reading and interpretation of non-fiction texts, and communicating information will be an ongoing focus. Additionally, students will read for pleasure, building the foundation for lifelong appreciation and understanding of literature.

·        Librarians will develop activities and strategies for students to gain practice in reading for understanding and interpreting what they read. Non-fiction resources will be explored that support topics in a wide variety of curricular areas.

·        Students will practice communicating their understanding of the information read, interpreting and synthesizing information.

·        Students will have varied opportunities to engage in research process activities that provide them with the opportunity to read, write, interpret information, draw conclusions and present findings.

·        Students will participate in a variety of literary experiences to increase appreciation and understanding of literature.
2. Summer Reading Program

3.  eBooks

4. Purchases

5. Online Databases, eBooks

6. Student Learning Objectives: needs to be connected to learning content that will be covered this school year. Achievement assessment will look at mastery of this content.

Post-assessment needs to measure a sampling of standards covered.

Book jacket idea:

Summary (synthesize; reading for understanding)

About the Author (research; communication of information)

Recommendation (opinion)

Labeling (Title, Author, Illustrator, Call #)

Illustration (representation of concept)

6.  Accountable Talk Stems (handout)