Thursday, April 04, 2013

Library Notes and Links

1.  Family Reading Night tonight, 6:30-8:30
2.  NBSLS is collecting “New book ideas for CCSS Appendix B” which is located at
3.  Also shared by NBSLS:
The Text List for P-12 English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum modules is now available and contains all the full-length books, articles, excerpts and other texts to be used in the ELA curriculum modules on EngageNY. This text list, along with a text list specifically for 9-12 ELA, are available at
4.  SLOs and librarians:
This link explains in what circumstances librarians have to be evaluated under Education Law 3012.  Since secondary librarians don't have rosters, they will be evaluated as they have been in the past.  Check out the video on the page. 
5.  I can statements: