Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Department Meeting, January 9, 2012

1.  Elementary Librarians will be meeting on January 30 for curriculum work.  If you haven't done so already, please submit to Salamah Mullen a list of the topics you cover in 3rd grade.  These will serve as the jumping off point to a discussion about learning content and associated skills so that the questions on the SLOs are built from this understanding.  If time permits, I would like to create a similar list for the other grades.

Check-in regarding SLOs.  Did you...
a.  record scores on class roster sheets?
b.  keep a separate sheet for each class?
c.  leave the target column blank so that it automatically populated?
d.  save the rosters in a safe place?
e.  complete the SLO template with the population section?
f.  save the SLO template in a folder with your roster sheet?

Finally, new information from the state tells us the post-test needs to be different from the pre-test.

2.  2013-14 budget 

3.  Summer reading committee

4.  Family Reading Night

5.  Please promote the Global Village at the Public Library, January 27, 2013 at 2:00.

6. Survey for doctoral student
