Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Department Meeting, 9/12/12

1. Welcome back!
2. Student Learning Objectives
Nassau BOCES SLO Page
Pre-assessment: what do students know right now?
Post-assessment: after a year of instruction, what have they learned?
Learning Content Activity: Five Learnings
What are the five key learnings you want your students to achieve by the end of each grade?
What are our department's essential questions?
Ingredients of SLOs:
  • Population: students assigned to course
  • Learning Content: what is being taught over the instructional period?  What standards (Common Core, National, State)?
  • Interval of Instructional Time: instructional period covered
  • Evidence: what assessments, aligned to learning content of course, will be used to measure goal?
  • Baseline: starting level of students' knowledge of learning content; should help teacher understand who students are. 
  • Target: what is expected outcome of students' level of knowledge of learning content at end of instructional period?
  • HEDI Scoring
  • Rationale: description of reasoning behind choices regarding eaerning content, evidence, and target and how they will be used together to prepare students for future growth and development
3. Summer Reading Program
4. Books, Reference Books, and Supplies
5. Online Databases
6.  eChalk/Google Integration
7.  Websites of note:

Of interest: Are School Librarians Important?

- Google Apps for Education Overview -

- The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs -

- Google Forms for Everything! -

- Creating Comic Strips with Google Presentations -

- Creating Interactive Google Presentations -