Welcome! What are we doing today?
Suggested steps for using multimedia resources for curriculum development and reporting:
1. Retrieve the Multimedia Reports document from the Y drive and save it to your own folder with a different name.
2. Make your word list to feature highlights from your program.
3. Decide which statistics you will use from Follett and sketch out how this will look in your final product.
3. Create a Wordle or Tagxedo (see description below).
4. If you haven't already done so, create a Glogster account and make a poster to use in your report.
5. Go to your Animoto account and create your movie.
If time permits, other web 2.0 sites to visit and consider:
1. Embedit.in.com shows documents on your website. It allows you to upload documents to their site and use a player to read the document even if you don't have the software.
2. Scribblar
Online interactive whiteboard for those of you who don't have one.
Link to the url rather than embed.
Give everyone moderator privileges.
Free collaborative tool.
3. Docsteach.org
From National Archives
3000 documents, images and maps
Search by era, drill down by skill
Creates url
Can e-mail activity results to teachers
4. Hippocampus.org
Can be complete online course
Course and textbook tab--video and text
Can set up classes
5. History Pin
Connect history to people
Photo database connected to Google maps
Upload old photos; can add stories
Set up classroom gmail account
Some teachers find it to be an issue when students need to put in their email address when entering a site. This is often more of a problem when working with elementary children. However, Gmail has an interesting way around this.
Set up a gmail account for your school or class. Your students can use the email to enter the sites.
2. To do this, just add a + sign and the students first name (or classroom number or any other name shortcut that indicates which student is using this) after your gmail address. (your address+student1@gmail.com)
An example of this: techsummit@gmail.com
Then Johnny can use: techsummit+johnny@gmail.com
The children can’t send or receive email. If someone uses techsummit+keri@gmail.com to send a message to Keri, it will end up in the techsummit email box, where the teacher can moderate.
Note: When setting up a school-use gmail account for yourself, remember that students (and possibly parents) will see and use your email name, so choose wisely! Avoid account usernames that would be inappropriate.
Student Naming Suggestions
Use first name followed by last initial
Use initials only
Use 1st 3 letters of the first name and first three of the last name
6. Kwout
Embed section of website; includes original url at bottom
7. Sweet Search
Search engine for students
Collection of educational websites similar to Nettrekker which you all should be using!
Gives you option to look at results from Google
Can put search widget on home page
8. Scratch and Scratch Ed
Graphical programming language
9. BBC Dimensions
Compare the size of disaster to any zip code. Amazing perspective!
10. Tagxedo
Wordle with shapes.
Can save as jpeg
11. Timetoast
Create and share timelines
Plug in dates, pictures and descriptions
12. Wetoku
Broadcasting site
Can embed onto blog or wiki
Stream live or pre-record
Collage http://www.vuvox.com/
Cute pdf http://www.cutepdf.com/
PDF my url http://pdfmyurl.com/
Stories in flight http://www.storiesinflight.com/flickrpoet/index.php
Create flipcharts on ActivInspire. Learn new tools and tips.
Flipchart Fundamentals
Writing Effective Lesson Plans
Suggested steps for using multimedia resources for curriculum development and reporting:
1. Retrieve the Multimedia Reports document from the Y drive and save it to your own folder with a different name.
2. Make your word list to feature highlights from your program.
3. Decide which statistics you will use from Follett and sketch out how this will look in your final product.
3. Create a Wordle or Tagxedo (see description below).
4. If you haven't already done so, create a Glogster account and make a poster to use in your report.
5. Go to your Animoto account and create your movie.
If time permits, other web 2.0 sites to visit and consider:
1. Embedit.in.com shows documents on your website. It allows you to upload documents to their site and use a player to read the document even if you don't have the software.
2. Scribblar
Online interactive whiteboard for those of you who don't have one.
Link to the url rather than embed.
Give everyone moderator privileges.
Free collaborative tool.
3. Docsteach.org
From National Archives
3000 documents, images and maps
Search by era, drill down by skill
Creates url
Can e-mail activity results to teachers
4. Hippocampus.org
Can be complete online course
Course and textbook tab--video and text
Can set up classes
5. History Pin
Connect history to people
Photo database connected to Google maps
Upload old photos; can add stories
Set up classroom gmail account
Some teachers find it to be an issue when students need to put in their email address when entering a site. This is often more of a problem when working with elementary children. However, Gmail has an interesting way around this.
Set up a gmail account for your school or class. Your students can use the email to enter the sites.
2. To do this, just add a + sign and the students first name (or classroom number or any other name shortcut that indicates which student is using this) after your gmail address. (your address+student1@gmail.com)
An example of this: techsummit@gmail.com
Then Johnny can use: techsummit+johnny@gmail.com
The children can’t send or receive email. If someone uses techsummit+keri@gmail.com to send a message to Keri, it will end up in the techsummit email box, where the teacher can moderate.
Note: When setting up a school-use gmail account for yourself, remember that students (and possibly parents) will see and use your email name, so choose wisely! Avoid account usernames that would be inappropriate.
Student Naming Suggestions
Use first name followed by last initial
Use initials only
Use 1st 3 letters of the first name and first three of the last name
6. Kwout
Embed section of website; includes original url at bottom
7. Sweet Search
Search engine for students
Collection of educational websites similar to Nettrekker which you all should be using!
Gives you option to look at results from Google
Can put search widget on home page
8. Scratch and Scratch Ed
Graphical programming language
9. BBC Dimensions
Compare the size of disaster to any zip code. Amazing perspective!
10. Tagxedo
Wordle with shapes.
Can save as jpeg
11. Timetoast
Create and share timelines
Plug in dates, pictures and descriptions
12. Wetoku
Broadcasting site
Can embed onto blog or wiki
Stream live or pre-record
Collage http://www.vuvox.com/
Cute pdf http://www.cutepdf.com/
PDF my url http://pdfmyurl.com/
Stories in flight http://www.storiesinflight.com/flickrpoet/index.php
Create flipcharts on ActivInspire. Learn new tools and tips.
Flipchart Fundamentals
Writing Effective Lesson Plans