Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Department Meeting, January 20, 2010

1. Follett Destiny
The catalog now has the capability of listing Lexile levels for books. To use this feature, go to the catalog and, without logging in, you will see the Reading Programs upside down book picture and a pull-down menu. Select Lexile and your level and search.

Any day now the catalog will be upgraded to 9.5.

2. Staff Development, February 1, 2010
8-11 a.m. Google Earth UHS 211
12:30-3 p.m. Nettrekker UHS 309

3. LITE Bytes articles

4. Public Library card drive

Websites of note:
StoryCorps http://www.storycorps.org/
Oral history projects

For those of us who have been in the library field a while, this is for us:


Nudging Toward Inquiry http://www.schoollibrarymonthly.com/articles/fontichiaro2009.v26n1p17.html

Student Inquiry and Web 2.0 http://www.schoollibrarymonthly.com/articles/Berger2010.v26n5p14.html

Article in School Library Monthly, 12/09, "The Teacher's Take on the School Library Program" is worth reading. Actually, this and other articles in this issue are worth perusing.

American School Board Journal has a compelling article about the future of libraries.