Sunday, February 22, 2009

Department Meeting, February 25, 2009

1. New students and Follett. Is the sync working correctly?

2. I was relieved to see that there is a stay in the ruling concerning lead in books published prior to 1985. Check out for details. We would have an awful lot of weeding to do if this law is applied to libraries!

3. Summer Reading
I would like to update the list of recommended authors to include in our summer reading newsletter. Take a look at the one from last year (posted and e-mail me your suggestions.

4. Carousel of Careers

We'll complete our project. Anyone interested in showcasing an online presentation? We could run it on a laptop without being present. Let's brainstorm ideas.

5. NSLS is moving to 1 Merrick Ave.

6. Discussion:
Heroes and Villains--What happens when a hero becomes a villain and we have titles about the individual prior to his/her unfortunate transformation? Read this article:

Websites of Note:
Sweet Search
School Library Media Activities Blog

Learning with Wikis and Blogs
Dewey Decimal Sudoko
Impact as a 21st Century Library Media Specialist
What Are They Reading for Fun?
That's Infotainment
This article suggests software to create video tutorials. We can do this with Promethean software. If anyone is interested in learning how to do this, let me know. (Flowgram, website listed above, is another way to do this).