Friday, December 18, 2009
Department Meeting, 12/16/09
1. All staff members in the Uniondale School District are entitled to work-in-district library cards. Depending on the patron's home library, these may offer additional borrowing privileges.
2. An online registration form for library cards for residents will be available in January. When that happens, we will publicize through e-mail. Elementary students without cards will receive forms from building librarians. Recommendation: invite representatives from the library to attend school functions where parents will be present in order to distribute library card registration forms.
3. Visits to the schools by public librarians are always welcome! YA visits included a program on databases, and it was suggested that this be extended to the elementary schools as well.
4. The library provides online homework help through
5. The annual Global Village is scheduled for January 24, 2010. Black History Month will feature a program by a jazz player, and visitors to the library will be treated to an exhibit of murals on the African Diaspora.
6. The library's Kwanzaa program was highlighted in VOYA.
7. School libraries will publicize the winter reading club, Driven to Read. Lots of enticing prizes will inspire students to participate, including entry into the Monster Jam World Finals.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Librarian in Black Blog
I especially appreciated the post,
IL2009: Information Overload is the Devil
where she supports the premise that we are "...far more adept in generating information than we are in managing it." (Jonathan B. Spira) Check out her 10 tips for managing information overload.Sunday, November 01, 2009
Classic Recap
and then visit the site:
60 Second Recap via kwout
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Department Meeting, October 21, 2009
October 21, 2009
1. Follett Destiny—update and issues
2. PowerSchool
Problems syncing with Follett. Inconsistencies. Will follow up with techservices. Forward examples of new admits not syncing.
3. Staff Development options, November 3, 2009, 8:00-3:00
a. ActivInspire software
b. Digital storytelling--with high school ELA and Social Studies teachers; most appropriate for secondary librarians and/or those who didn't take this staff development previously
c. NSLS workshops--evaluating library programs and creating personal learning networks (two separate sessions on location at BOCES)
Two will start with digital storytelling and then go to BOCES.
Everyone else will start with ActivInspire. Some will go to BOCES in the afternoon.
Remaining will continue work on ActivInspire.
4. Budget—Status and Preparations
Consider any equipment or extraordinary needs for budget development.
5. Department Meeting with Public Librarians—12/18/2009
6. National Geographic books for distribution and sharing
Books were selected for collections.
7. Other--Kidpix? Any other solution for elementary art program? Will investigate.
Will invite Promethean trainer to conduct a session with our group.
Websites of Note:
Free online tutoring:
Interesting article on social networking through the library automation system--Follett Destiny is featured:
If you're interested in any of these articles, let me know:
The Library Media Specialist's Role in Teaching Online Safety (Library Media Connection, August/Sept 2009)
Literature Circles in Library Class (Library Media Connection, August/Sept 2009)
Have We Lost Our Way? Examining the Purpose of Libraries in a Post-Literate Society
Actually, the magazine is chock-full of interesting articles. Let me know if you want to borrow it or if you want me to photocopy anything for you. The October 2009 issue also has articles of interest, particularly one about local museums, delivery and design of instruction, wikis and action research, supporting reading instruction, graphic novels, personal response systems.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Off the Shelf, Onto the Laptop
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Curling Up with Hybrid Books
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Department Meeting, September 16, 2009
2. PowerSchool
3. Interactive whiteboards--ActivInspire tutorial
4. Summer reading program follow-up
5. Finance Manager--budget information
6. Lesson plans
7. Staff development--survey
8. Videoconferencing
9. Websites of note
America’s Story from America’s Library takes the primary source materials from the Library of Congress and creates an interactive story with activities
Listening skills using the Animal Sounds Library from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.
DigiTales—The Art of Telling Digital Stories--resources for creating digital stories in the classroom.
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art virtual tour.
Homework Helper from Time for Kids
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Welcome Back, September 3, 2009
a. usernames and passwords
b. addresses
c. other fields as needed
2. Follett Destiny 9.0/SIF update
3. ActivInspire, the replacement program for ActivStudio Professional
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Libraries for a Post-Literate Society
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Twitter and FriendFeed
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Future of Books and Reading
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Department Meeting, May 20, 2009
1. We finalized database selections. Cara will look at Soundzabound to see if we should add to it.
2. We agreed to update our periodicals lists and send them to Delores.
3. I will arrange to have the summer reading partnership flyers translated.
4. We will follow up when mailed overdue notices are returned to us.
5. We picked up the summer reading baskets and will put them on display to entice summer reading participants.
6. We confirmed our training session for Discovery Education (June 1, 8:30-10:30, BOCES, 1 Merrick Ave.)
7. We will distribute UPL censorship exhibit literature.
8. Our final meeting for the school year will be on June 25, location TBA.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Today's School Library
Learning4Life from AASL
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Library of Congress is on You Tube!
YouTube - LibraryOfCongress's Channel via kwout
If you see any videos you would like to make available to your students, submit the url to me and I'll post it on the SafeVideos site.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Department Meeting, March 18, 2009
1. Summer Reading update—Public Library Partnership and In-District Program
2. Poetry Contest and Film Festival at the Uniondale Public Library
Deadline—March 20
3. NovelNY Databases--Grolier and ProQuest added as of 4/1
Go to for a listing of the changes.
4. Professional/National Geographic Books
5. Curriki
From the website: Do you have an instructional unit or course you’re proud of that you’d like to publish and get paid for? Interested in earning money this summer to develop a new unit that will be shared with a global audience? For our Summer of Content initiative, Curriki is soliciting elementary and middle school content in ELA, math, science, and social studies. Apply by April 15th, 2009.
6. Taking it Global--Participate in a community of global educators.
From the website: TIGed provides rich, interactive learning experiences designed to improve students' global citizenship, critical thinking, and leadership skills, bringing the world to students and preparing students for the world! You can access existing projects, create a safe, interactive, virtual classroom, access online learning activities and resources.
7. Websites of note:
The Unquiet Library Blog
The Unquiet Library Wiki
Google Apps in the Classroom
Joyce Valenza Workshop
Speaking avatar
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
AASL has new website
and visit the site at
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Department Meeting, February 25, 2009
2. I was relieved to see that there is a stay in the ruling concerning lead in books published prior to 1985. Check out for details. We would have an awful lot of weeding to do if this law is applied to libraries!
Heroes and Villains--What happens when a hero becomes a villain and we have titles about the individual prior to his/her unfortunate transformation? Read this article:
Websites of Note:
School Library Media Activities Blog
Learning with Wikis and Blogs
Dewey Decimal Sudoko
Impact as a 21st Century Library Media Specialist
What Are They Reading for Fun?
That's Infotainment
This article suggests software to create video tutorials. We can do this with Promethean software. If anyone is interested in learning how to do this, let me know. (Flowgram, website listed above, is another way to do this).
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Department Meeting, January 21, 2009
Do you know about commoncraft, a free site for online video tutorials? I just watched one about RSS feeds and it cleared up any remaining confusion that lingered. Definitely worth a peek.
Leapfish is a new search engine with innovative features. Not quite the same as searchme (did you try it yet) but pretty powerful.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Follett Destiny
We just made a change you might like. On the first screen of the catalog, students can search for Award Winners. In the field next to Search Award Winner, select New York. Then, place your cursor in the search box and hit enter. Voila! You will see the list of award winning titles your library holds, and I know you will be impressed.
You can also search for literary prize-winning titles. In the Search Award Winner field, scroll to the second choice, Literary Prizes, and in the bottom box, either leave it as "all" or select the prize you want to locate. Once again place your cursor in the search box, and hit the enter key.