was indeed a huge success, but today I have to play major catch-up. To those of you who helped and contributed, I extend my deep appreciation. You know I couldn't have pulled it off without such a wonderful team! Thank you for all you do.
Items for action, discussion and consideration:
1. Online databases. Please carefully review our subscriptions with an eye to what recommendations you have. Is there anything you would like to add? Elementary librarians, give me your feedback on Bookflix. Is there still interest in adding Grolier's Animals? Secondary librarians--shall we continue Teen Health and Wellness? Add or drop anything? To all--what's your feeling about TeachingBooks? NSLS is not continuing the subscription, so we'd have to do it on our own. Please take advantage of any trials that you believe would be worthwhile. Even if we don't end up subscribing, in most instances the students could benefit from the access until the school year ends. http://www.nassauboces.org/nsls/template.htm
2. Overdue notices. Do your best to collect outstanding materials so they'll be available to our patrons next year.
3. Interactive whiteboard update. We are migrating to Promethean boards and will purchase the software for our existing boards. In the meantime, check out Promethean Planet and set up a free account.
4. Plans for Convocation 2008 are in the works. Tentatively, after the keynote address, teachers will report to their buildings for meetings and set-up activities. There will be only one day of work prior to the opening of school which will cut into our meeting time. We might be able to have our first meeting the following Wednesday, September 10, instead of waiting for the third. I'll keep you posted. Our first staff development day will be on Election Day which leads me to...
5. Staff development needs, 2008-09. What are they? Are there areas you would like to have addressed in our staff development time together? My recommendation would be to work together to become adept at using the new Promethean software. Please chime in with your suggestions. Remember to register for Summer Technology Institute classes if you're interested.
6. Periodicals, 2008-09. Delores is investigating whether the vendor will give us the list in time for your review before summer vacation. If so, please return it before you go.
7. Summer Reading update:
- Flyers are at the printer.
- I am placing a copy in the summer reading folder in Library M in case you want to print and display it with the basket in advance of distribution.
- I have bookmarks that I am sending your way to use however you see fit to encourage participation.
- We'd love to have pictures of the baskets with eager readers. Please take a few and place them in the Library M folder that I'm setting up for that purpose (in Summer Reading).
8. National Geographic books. I have about 20. Let me know if you're interested and I'll divide them up.
9. Character Education titles. We have significantly more money to spend on these books than I originally thought. Any suggestions for a purchase with more of a bite? Does anyone know of a collection of books, an encyclopedia for instance, that might fall into this category? We have $4,500 to spend for all eight schools.
12. I'll be inter-officing some articles to you. In the meantime, this one is available online: "Are Textbooks Becoming Extinct?". Look for these--"Copyright in a Social World", "Summer Excursions", and "Storyboarding".
13. Date for Final Meeting: Thursday, June 26 at 12:30. Shish Kebob? Baci's? Weigh in with your selection--majority rules.
14. Conferences, workshops: I attended a few. Hall Davidson's Leadership Institute. NYSCATE. I'll post a separate entry with items of interest.